Psychiatric Assessment

The initial new patient appointment will consist of a 45-minute evaluation where pertinent information is obtained. This information includes presenting concerns, any past psychiatric or substance abuse history, past medical history, as well as social and developmental histories. Once all of the information has been obtained, a collaborative treatment plan will be established consisting of psychotherapy, psychotropic medications, or a combination of the two.

Happy patient talking to psychiatrist at a therapy session.
Woman holds a box for weekly pills in her hands.

Medication Management

Medication appointments are scheduled for 15 minutes. Longer appointments of 45 minutes may be scheduled if warranted. These appointments focus on the efficacy of prescribed medications as well as questions or concerns that one may have. Appointments are scheduled approximately every 2 weeks to 3 months, depending on the medication regimen. See the contact section for information regarding medication prescriptions.



Therapy appointments are scheduled for 45 minutes. A psychodynamic approach is utilized to explore patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and emotions as well as underlying issues. Other aspects of life are also incorporated into the therapy to establish a comprehensive understanding of oneself. Appointments are scheduled weekly to monthly based upon treatment needs.

Young man smiles at the camera while standing outside at sunset.
Hands of an older white woman folded on a lap.

Combined Medication + Psychotherapy

Combination appointments are scheduled for 45 minutes. The initial time addresses medication issues. The remainder of the time delves into psychotherapy issues. Appointments are also scheduled weekly to monthly based upon treatment needs.

Virtual Appointments

Dr. Jackson offers a variety of psychiatry services. If you are not an established patient and would like to connect with Dr. Jackson or schedule an appointment, please see the Contact page. If you are an established patient, please reach out to Dr. Jackson directly. Virtual Appointments are available for established patients.

Virtual Appointments